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Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Technical editing

Technical editing involves reviewing text written on a technical topic, and identifying usage errors and ensuring adherence to a style guide. Technical editing may include the correction of grammatical mistakes, misspellings, mistyping, incorrect punctuation, inconsistencies in usages, poorly structured sentences, wrong scientific terms, wrong units and dimensions, inconsistency in significant figures, technical ambivalence, technical disambiguation, correction of statements conflicting with general scientific knowledge, correction of synopsis, content, index, headings and subheadings, correcting data and chart presentation in a research paper or report, and correcting errors in citations.
In large companies, experienced writers are dedicated to the technical editing function. In organizations that cannot afford dedicated editors, experienced writers typically peer-edit text produced by their less experienced colleagues.
It helps if the technical editor is familiar with the subject being edited, but that is not always essential. The "technical" knowledge that an editor gains over time while working on a particular product or technology does give the editor an edge over another who has just started editing content related to that product or technology. But essential general skills are attention to detail, the ability to sustain focus while working through lengthy pieces of text on complex topics, tact in dealing with writers, and excellent communication skills.

manfaat facebook

Berikut adalah beberapa manfaat yang bisa diperoleh pelajar atau siswa sekolah dan remaja dari jejaring sosial facebook:

  • Mengakrabkan komunikasi dengan teman dan guru. Interaksi dengan teman dan guru selama ini dibatasi oleh waktu. Dengan adanya facebook, batasan waktu interaksi tersebut bisa dipertipis. Pelajar dan para remaja bisa mempunyai lebih banyak waktu untuk berinteraksi dan berkomunikasi dengan teman dan guru mereka

  • Menambah waktu konsultasi dengan guru. Dengan semakin intensnya komunikasi dengan para guru, para pelajar bisa lebih mempunyai banyak waktu dan peluang untuk bisa berkonsultasi dan belajar kepada gurunya. Mereka tidak harus menunggu esok hari untuk atau waktu di sekolah untuk belajar kepada guru-guru mereka

  • Memperbanyak waktu curhat. Pelajar dan remaja adalah manusia yang sedang dalam proses mencari jati diri. Banyak hal yang ingin mereka ketahui; banyak masalah yang mereka hadapi; dan banyak sosol yang ingin mereka tiru dan teladani. Di sinilah mereka membutuhkan banyak curhat dengan sesama teman mereka. Facebook membuat curhat bisa lebih mudah

  • Memperluas pergaulan. Selain berteman dengan teman-teman mereka di dunia nyata, facebook memberikan peluang untuk mengenal banyak lagi teman yang lain. Sosok-sosok yang selama ini hanya mereka dengar lewat televisi, koran, atau media yang lain bisa mereka ajak untuk berteman. Mereka bisa berteman dengan pelajar-pelajar dari sekolah lain, bahkan dari negara lain. Mereka bisa berteman dengan para pengarang buku, pengarang novel dan para tokoh yang mereka gemari

  • Menambah pengetahuan. Satu hal yang harus bisa dimanfaatkan oleh para pelajar dan remaja dari facebook adalah untuk menambah informasi dan pengetahuan. Manfaat 1 sampai 4 harus harus berujung pada manfaat yang kelima

Hal di atas adalah beberapa di antara manfaat yang bisa didapatkan para pelajar dan remaja dari facebook. Tentu masih ada manfaat-manfaat yang lain.

The process of formation of petroleum

Discusses the identification of petroleum can not be separated from the discussion theory of petroleum formation and formation conditions that make an oil specific and not to be the same between the oil with petroleum. Since I was a chemist, so I approach to do more than the chemical aspects of the geological aspects. An understanding of the process of formation of petroleum will be needed as a material consideration in interpreting the results of the identification. There are many hypotheses about the formation of petroleum raised by experts, some of which are:The theory of biogenesis (Organic)Macqiur (France, 1758) is the one who first put forward the idea that oil derived from plants. Then M.W. Lamanosow (Russia, 1763) also suggested the same thing. The opinions above are also supported by other scholars such as, New Beery (1859), Engler (1909), Bruk (1936), Bearl (1938) and Hofer. They stated that: "The oil and gas from marine organisms that have died millions of years ago and formed a layer in the earth."The theory of abiogenesis (Inorganic)Barthelot (1866) suggested that there is oil in the alkali metals, which in a free state with a high temperature will be in contact with CO2 to form asitilena. Then Mandeleyev (1877) suggested that petroleum is formed due to the influence of working steam on metal carbides in the earth. Even more extreme is the claim that some experts argued that oil started to form since prehistoric times, long before the Earth was formed, and in conjunction with the formation of the earth. The statement is based on facts discovered hydrocarbon material in some meteor rocks and in the atmosphere some other planet.Of the many hypotheses that are often raised is the theory of biogenesis, as it could be. The theory of the formation of petroleum continue to evolve with the development of technology and engineering analysis of petroleum, until later in 1984 G. D. Hobson in his article entitled "The Occurrence and Origin of Oil and Gas".Based on the theory of biogenesis, petroleum is formed due to a small leak permanently in the carbon cycle. The carbon cycle is occurring between the atmosphere to the earth's surface, which is described by the two arrows in the opposite direction, where the carbon is transported in the form of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. In the first direction, assimilate carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, which means that CO2 extracted from the atmosphere by photosynthetic organisms land and sea.At the direction of the second CO2 released back into the atmosphere through respiration of living things (plants, animals, and microorganisms). In this process, a small leak that allows a small portion of carbon that are not released back into the atmosphere in the form of CO2, but that eventually transformed into fossils that can be burned. Fossil fuels is only a very small amount. Organic material is oxidized during burial. Consequently, the major part of the organic carbon in the form of a very small carbonate in sedimentary rocks.At first these compounds (such as carbohydrates, protein and fat) produced by living creatures according to their needs, such as self-defense, to breed or as a physical component and living it. The components in question may be constituents of cells, membranes, pigments, fat, sugar or protein from plants, fungi, yeast, protozoa, bacteria, invertebrates or cold-blooded animals and the heat, so it can be found in the air, on the surface, in water or in the soil.gambar_19_8
When living things die, then 99.9% of carbon compounds and living will again experience the cycle of the food chain, while the remaining 0.1% of the compounds of carbon trapped in the soil and in sediments. This is what is the origin of compounds known as fossil or petroleum embryos.

These embryos had a transfer and will accumulate in one place that may be a reservoir and there is a drift with the flow of water to accumulate at the bottom of the sea, and there is also due to differences in pressure below the sea surface and accumulate on the surface and some are terendapkan at sea level in the small current.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Cara Membaca sifat Seseorang Dari bentuk Wajahnya

Bagi kalian yg sulit untuk menebak bagaimana menilai sifat seseorang dr luarnya,ini lah salah satu yg bsa kalian lakukan.Tanpa berbasa basi,ini dia cara melihat sifat seseorang hanya dgn melihat wajah dgn ilmu Fisiognomi dr artikel Tahukah anda.?fan page facebook yg pernah saya baca..

FISIOGNOMI adalah ilmu firasat wajah atau ilmu membaca karakter seseorang lewat wajah. Dalam ilmu fisiognomi Wajah dipakai sebagai pedoman di fisiognomi karena wajah ...

merupakan organ tubuh yang biasanya tidak tertutup. Selain itu untuk melihat wajah seseorang, kita tidak perlu meminta izin kepada yang bersangkutan. Secara sederhana wajah bisa dilihat dari foto atau berhadapan secara langsung.

Penguasaan ilmu fisiognomi akan memberikan manfaat yang besar sekali dan dapat meluaskan cakrawala serta pengetahuan terutama yang berhubungan antar manusia.Seandainya kita kaitkan dengan dunia teknologi modern sekarang, masih sangat relevan, misalnya menyangkut hubungan bisnis dan kemitraan, persahabatan, percintaan serta perjodohan.

Manfaat memperlajari rahasia wajah dengan fisiognomi adalah :

1. Dapat mengenal lebih baik diri sendiri.
2. Lebih memahami secara mendalam kepribadian orang lain.
3, Sangat menghargai makna kehidupan, persaudaraan, dan persahabatan.
4. Dapat menganalisis bermacam watak dan sifat orang lain yang kita ajak bicara.
5. Bisa berguna untuk memprediksi kejadian masa lalu, masa sekarang, dan masa yang akan datang.

Konsep analisis raut wajah dalam ilmu fisiognomi meliputi:

1. Anatomi dan struktur tengkorak kepala.
2. Bentuk dan susunan rambut.
3. Anatomi dan bentuk dahi.
4. Anatomi dan bentuk tulang pipi.
5. Anatomi dan bentuk tulang rahang.
6. Letak dan bentuk telinga.
7. Letak dan bentuk alis.
8. Letak dan bentuk mata.
9. Letak dan bentuk hidung.
10. Letak dan bentuk mulut.
11. Letak dan bentuk dagu.
12. Ciri dan tanda khusus lainnya seperti luka dan tahi lalat.

Berikut bentuk wajah seseorang dan rahasianya menurut ilmu fisiognomi :

1. Bentuk wajah bulat

Bentuk wajah ini umumnya memiliki struktur tulang yang sangat kuat. Itu menunjukkan watak, aktivitas mental yang sangat kuat, tahan terhadap penyakit dan rasa percaya diri yang tinggi. Hampir semua Kaisar Cina memiliki wajah bulat. Pemilik wajah ini pada umumnya cerdas dan dapat beradaptasi dengan situasi macam apapun. Mereka dikaruniai otak jempolan. Meski cenderung sedikit malas, tapi orang dengan bentuk wajah bulat umumnya panjang umur. Orang Timur mengatakan mereka seakan tidak terburu -buru untuk mati. Wajah bulat dengan leher panjang memiliki daya tahan terhadap penyakit. Dalam bercinta mereka jujur meski terkadang keinginan erotik menjebloskan mereka dalam ketidaksetiaan.

2. Bentuk wajah Berlian

Wajah berlian memiliki dahi yang sempit, tulang pipi yang menonjol dan berdagu lancip. Itu artinya mereka hangat dan diberkahi kemauan kuat serta keberuntungan dalam karir. Sayangnya orang tipe ini cenderung egois dan kurang peduli pada moral. Wajah berlian banyak dimiliki banyak artis panggung wanita terkenal dan prajurit pemberani.

Orang Cina merasa sangat beruntung jika meninggalkan rumah untuk keperluan bisnis, bertemu dengan wanita atau pria yang memiliki wajah berlian. Jika wanita, mereka ditafsirkan bisnis akan sukses tapi nanti, dan pria, ditafsirkan bisnis akan sukses tapi segera. Orang dengan bentuk wajah seperti ini umumnya juga beruntung dalam cinta. Dikenal mempunyai daya tahan tubuh yang menakjubkan terhadap penyakit. Mereka juga ambisius tapi juga memiliki rasa humor yang baik.

Menurut penelitian, banyak pemilik wajah berlian tidak puas dengan masa kanak-kanak dan remajanya, dan hanya menemukan kebahagiaan pada paruh kedua usia mereka. Sampai akhir hayat, mereka selalu ingat kesulitan-kesulitan yang pernah dihadapi dan diatasi.

3, Bentuk waqjah persegi panjang

Wajah ini menunjukkan kreativitas, kepandaian dan penguasaan diri, tapi juga menunjukkan ketidaksetiaan. Orang Cina menyebut bentuk wajah ini seperti pohon, karena mirip dengan batang pohon. Pemiliknya umumnya orang yang suka pada introspeksi diri yang menakjubkan dan dapat mengendalikan perasaan untuk mengatasi hal atau masalah. Mereka juga kreatif dan beruntung dalam hidup. Menurut imajinasi Cina, hal ini secara simbolik diwakili oleh pohon yang pada musim semi berdaun kembali. Banyak orang dari kalangan ini mencapai sukses namun sangat terikat pada pekerjaan yang dianggap nomor satu dalam hidup, sehingga terkadang menjadi masalah di dalam kehidupan rumah tangga mereka.

4. Bentuk wajah persegi

Pemilik wajah ini umumnya punya karakter stabil, jujur dan seimbang. Mereka adalah orang-orang yang biasa membuat kepuasan. Bisa menikah lebih dari sekali dan pecinta yang berapi-api. Wajah persegi menandakan pribadi yang peka pada persoalan umum, rasa implusif dan terkadang keras kepala. Kalau pria, biasanya kukuh pada pendirian, mereka juga dikenal sebagai orang yang bergairah, hanya repotnya tidak setia dalam bercinta karena mudah dirayu. Murah hati juga ciri yang paling nyata. Mereka selalu menjadi teman yang baik dan setia. Mereka selalu menempatkan teman-temannya nomor satu dalam hidup, imbalannya meminta dari mereka kejujuran dan kepatuhan.

5. Bentuk wajah rahang sempi berdagi lebar

Orang Cina menghubungkan wajah ini dengan unsur bumi, karena bentuknya yang bagus dan hanya berubah sedikit oleh usia. Mereka cenderung agresif dan keras kepala. Kalau memutuskan mereka harus melihat hasilnya secepat mungkin. Mereka pun siap bertempur sampai titik darah penghabisan demi tercapainya kehendak, terutama untuk kehidupan emosional mereka. Kalau pria, sulit menjadi ayah yang sempurna karena tidak mampu bergaul dengan anak-anaknya dan cenderung tidak mengikuti pertumbuhan anaknya.

6. Bentuk wajah segitiga

Wajah ini mengungkapkan semangat yang tak kenal lelah, ditambah meluap, otak cerdas dan sensual. Mereka biasanya ambisius dan cenderung menonjolkan diri. Banyak penggoda hebat dalam sejarah seperti Mary Tudor dan Elizabeth dari Austria termasuk golongan ini, juga artis Merlene Dietrich, Pier Angeli dan Elizabeth Taylor. Umumnya tipe ini sering tidak bahagia dalam kehidupan cinta.

Mereka cenderung meninggalkan keluarga untuk menuruti dorongan hati. Dalam beberapa kasus, konflik jiwa kerap mempengaruhi perilaku mereka. Saat tertarik pada pengalaman baru dan terpesona oleh hubungan mesra pada lawan jenis, mereka dapat menentang keputusan mereka untuk melakukan perjalanan, pindah kerja atau lari dari rutinitas keseharian yang dianggap sebagai pengganggu.

7. Bentuk wajah dahi lebar dengan dagu persegi

Mereka umumnya memiliki daya hidup yang kuat, gigih, tapi sulit berpikir positif. Suka mencari perhatian dan meraih keuntungan dari setiap kesempatan yang diberikan oleh hidup. Hidup mereka dipenuhi kegiatan dan penantian. Ramah, tapi sulit dijadikan teman. Selalu tegang dan kurang spontanitas. Sangat hebat dalam bercinta, tapi mau enak sendiri. Karena itu mereka tidak ragu-ragu memutuskan hubungan, jika dianggap mengganggu karir atau posisi sosial.

Punya perhatian besar pada prestasi fisik. Banyak penerjun dan pembalap punya wajah tipe ini. Karena tidak suka buang waktu untuk tujuan sepele, akibatnya mereka sering tampak tidak tertarik pada sesuatu.
Mereka umumnya dikaruniai umur panjang, seakan-akan mereka menjaga energi untuk tujuan-tujuan penting. Mereka pandai berbicara, tenang namun bisa berubah keras kepala.

8. Bentuk wajah dengan tonjolan tulang pipi

Mutu utama pemilik wajah dengan tulang pipi menonjol adalah watak yang kuat, tekun, energi mental serta kemampuan bangkit dari kejatuhan. Kesalahan mereka biasanya berasal dari diri sendiri. Orang dengan tipe wajah ini sering menjadi pemimpin, namun kerap juga muncul di kalangan petualang-petualang yang kurang baik atau seperti penjahat dan mata-mata.

Mereka dikenal tidak stabil dan gelisah. Jika pria punya bentuk wajah seperti ini biasanya tidak mampu menjadi suami yang setia dan dipercaya. Wanita pun begitu, tidak stabil dalam kehidupan cintanya, cenderung menguasai pasangan dan sangat senang dirayu. Untuk hidup bahagia dengan mereka diperlukan kemampuan untuk mendukung kecenderungan mereka dan memberikan pertimbangan.

Semoga bermanfaat ya sobat dan jgn disalahgunakan.
Sampai ketemu LAgi di postingan selanjutnya..Cahhh..yooooo

Oldest Koran Found in Cave Yemen

A young man in Yemen found mold Koran oldest recognizable in a cave. Although offered hundreds of millions of dollars, the young man refused to release the al-Quran.

Al-Arabiya reported this week, an unnamed youth is claimed to find the al-Quran was wrapped leather cover in a cave in the mountains, south of the city of Dhale. In the first page of the Qur'an it says: "This manuscript was handwritten in the year 200 AH (815 AD)".

In the test of authenticity, it is known that the original manuscripts of the holy book. Meaning, mold al-Quran is the oldest ever found.

Evidence of the truth of the calendar can be seen from the type of paper used. In the Koran there are no points contained in the present Arabic alphabet. Posts in al-Quran is the old Arabic script. New points added in the next few centuries to distinguish similar letters.

This young man had offered money of 12 million Yemeni riyals, or about Rp538 million, but refused and decided to keep it.

In addition to finding the oldest Koran, the young man also reportedly found the sword Zulfikar, which is a gift of the Prophet Muhammad for Islam fourth Caliph Ali ibn Abi Talib who was also a son.


GARUDA along people of Indonesia, who does not know Berkalung eagle shield that encapsulates five principles (Pancasila)? But where are the people of Indonesia who knows, who's making it a symbol of the countryu first?He is the Sultan Hamid II, who was born with the name Abdul Hamid Sharif Alkadrie, the eldest son of sultan Pontianak; Sultan Muhammad Sharif Alkadrie. Born in Pontianak on July 12, 1913. In his blood flowing Indonesia, Arabic - though been dealt with British foster mother. His wife, a Dutch woman who later gave birth to two children - both now in the Netherlands.Sharif was educated ELS in Sukabumi, Pontianak, Yogyakarta, and Bandung. HBS in London one year, THS Bandung not complete, then the KMA in Breda, Netherlands to finish and reach the rank of lieutenant in the Dutch East Indies army units.When Japan beat Netherlands and its allies, on March 10, 1942, he was captured and freed when Japan surrendered to the Allies, and got promoted to colonel. When his father died due to Japanese aggression, on October 29, 1945 he was appointed to replace his father Pontianak sultan with the title of Sultan Hamid II.In the struggle for federalism, Sultan Hamid II gained an important position as deputy special areas of West Kalimantan and always participated in the negotiations Malino, Denpasar, BFO, BFC, IJC and the RTC in Indonesia and the Netherlands.Sultan Hamid II then obtained Ajudant post in bij HN Koningin Buitenfgewone Dienst der Nederlanden, which is the highest rank as an assistant to the queen of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the first Indonesian to earn the highest rank in the military.On 21-22 December 1949, a few days after he was appointed as Minister of State Zonder Porto Folio, Westerling who have committed treason in the country offering "over commando" to him, but he refused firmly. Having known Westerling was the kingpin APRA.Later he went to Holland, and on January 2, 1950, on his return from the Land of Windmills that he was disappointed with the sending of military forces to West Kalimantan - because it did not involve his men from the KNIL.At the same time, events occurred that would forever; Westerling invaded London on January 23, 1950. Sultan Hamid II do not agree with the actions of his subordinates that, Westerling was angry.When the United States of Indonesia was formed, he was appointed Minister of State Zonder Porto Folio and for the country's ministerial office assigned by President Soekarno plan, design and formulate a national symbol image.From the transcript of the recording dialog with Masagung Sultan Hamid II (1974) when the file submission documents state emblem design process, says "the idea of ​​Pancasila shield" appears when Sultan Hamid II was designing a coat of arms. He remembered the words of President Sukarno, the state symbol should reflect the way of life of the nation, the state of Indonesia, where the precepts of the state, which is visualized in the Pancasila state symbol.Dated January 10, 1950 Technical Committee was formed with the name of the State Committee under coordinator Badges Minister Zonder Porto Folio Sultan Hamid II to the composition of the technical committee chairman M Yamin, Ki Hajar Dewantoro, MA Pellaupessy, Moh Natsir, and RM Ng Purbatjaraka as members. The committee in charge of selecting the proposed design for the selected state emblem and submitted to the government.Referring Bung Hatta description in the book "Bung Hatta Answering" The decision to implement a Cabinet meeting, Minister Priyono implement competition. Selected two draft the best national symbol, the work of Sultan Hamid II and the work of M Yamin. In the next process received by the government and the parliament is a draft Sultan Hamid II. The work includes M Yamin rejected because the sun rays and reveal the influence of Japan.Once the design is selected, an intensive dialogue between the designer (Sultan Hamid II), RIS President Sukarno and Mohammad Hatta the Prime Minister, for the purposes of continuing improvement design. The agreement the three of them, replace the grip tape Garuda, which originally was a red and white ribbon white ribbon by adding the motto "Unity in Diversity".Dated February 8, 1950, the final draft state symbol is made Minister of State for RIS, Sultan Hamid II presented to the President. The draft final state symbol is input from Masyumi to be considered, because of objections to the eagle image by hand and shoulders holding human shields and is considered to be mythological.Sultan Hamid II re-submit the draft state symbol image has been enhanced by the growing aspirations, so as to create the shape-eagle Garuda Pancasila. Abbreviated Garuda Pancasila. President Soekarno then submit the draft to the Cabinet RIS by Mohammad Hatta as prime minister.AG Pringgodigdo in his book "About Five Principles" published by Ministry of Defense, military History Center said the design work of the state emblem of Sultan Hamid II was inaugurated RIS use in Cabinet meetings. When it's a picture of the head eagle Garuda Pancasila was "bare" and "'no tuft"' like the shape it is today.This is the work of children's country of nationality are mixed from various aspirations and then designed by the children of the nation, Sultan Hamid II, Minister of State for RIS. President Soekarno then introduced for the first time the state emblem was made public at the Hotel Des Indes Jakarta on February 15, 1950.Completion of re-sign the country's continued effort. Head eagle bird Garuda Pancasila "bare" to "tuft" done. Shapes gripping claw foot tape from the original rear-facing to forward-facing is also improved, the input of President Soekarno.Dated March 20, 1940, the final form of the state symbol image that has been repaired got disposition of President Sukarno, who then ordered the court painter, Dullah, to re-draft paint the shape of the final draft RIS Minister Sultan Hamid II was officially used until now.For the last time, Sultan Hamid II completed the final form of image completion coat of arms, is to increase the size scale and full color images where the state emblem authentic paintings submitted to H Masagung, Idayu Foundation Jakarta on July 18, 1974. While the existing state symbol disposition of President Sukarno and photo images submitted to the state symbol of President Soekarno in early February 1950 are kept by the Sultan Kadriyah Pontianak.Sultan Hamid II died on March 30, 1978 in Jakarta and was buried in the family cemetery in Batulayang Pontianak Sultanate.

Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Photoshop, or so-called Photoshop, Sotosop is made in the image editor software Adobe Systems is devoted to editing photos / drawings and manufacturing effects. The software is widely used by digital photographers and advertising company that is considered as the market leader (market leader) for image processing software, and, together with Adobe Acrobat, is regarded as the best product ever produced by Adobe Systems. Eighth version of the application is called by the name of Photoshop CS (Creative Suite), version called Photoshop CS2 nine, ten version called Adobe Photoshop CS3, and a version of the last (eleventh) was Adobe Photoshop CS4.

Photoshop is available for Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, and Mac OS; versions 9 and above can also be used by other operating systems such as Linux using software such as CrossOver.

DevelopmentIn 1987, Thomas Knoll, a PhD student at the University of Michigan, began writing a program on his Macintosh Plus to display grayscale images on a monochrome display. This program, called Display, caught the attention his brother John Knoll, an employee at Industrial Light & Magic, who recommended Thomas to change the program into a full image editing program. Thomas took a six month break from his studies in 1988 to collaborate with his brother on the program, which has been renamed ImagePro. Later that year, Thomas changed the name of the program into Photoshop and work in the short term Barneyscan scanner manufacturers to distribute copies of the program with a slide scanner; "total of about 200 copies of Photoshop has shipped" this way.During that time, John traveled to Silicon Valley in California and gave a demonstration of the program to engineers at Apple Computer Inc. and Russell Brown, art director at Adobe. Both demonstrations were successful, and Adobe decided to purchase the license to distribute in September 1988. While John worked on plug-ins in California, Thomas remained in Ann Arbor to write program code. Photoshop 1.0 was released in 1990 for Macintosh.FeaturesAlthough it was originally designed to edit images for paper-based printing, Photoshop is also used to produce images for the World Wide Web. Some versions also include an additional application, Adobe ImageReady, for this purpose.Photoshop also has strong ties with some software for media editing, animation, and other Adobe authoring. Native Photoshop file format,. PSD, can be exported to and from Adobe ImageReady. Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Premiere Pro, After Effects, and Adobe Encore DVD to make professional DVDs, provide non-linear image editing and special effects services such as backgrounds, textures, etc for television, movies, and websites. For example, Photoshop CS broadly supports making menus and buttons (button) DVD.Photoshop can accept the use of multiple color models:

• RGB color models
• Lab color models
• CMYK color models
• Grayscale
• Bitmap
• duotoneThe latest version, released in 2005, is version 9. The program is marketed under the name "Photoshop CS2." "CS" reflects its integration with applications Photoshop "Adobe Creative Suite and is called" 2 "because it is the second version released since Adobe to integrate the two products. There are some in addition to Photoshop CS2 such as multiple layer and selecting" warp, " curve version of the transform tool and the color replacement tool, previously present as a plug-in 8BF.For photography enthusiasts, Adobe provides a filter "reduce grain" (reduced grain) that can help optimize photos taken in low light. To "clarify" CS product differences with previous products Photoshop, Adobe Photshop eliminate eye symbol, which was presented in a form different from version 3 to version 7. Photshop CS and CS2 now use fur as an icon and a form of identification.Icons for Photoshop CS3 Beta.Photoshop CS3 beta version has been released for CS2 users on December 15, 2006. Unlike Photoshop CS and CS2 using feathers as its logo, Logo for the third edition of this form of typography, with the letters 'Ps' white and blue background gradient.Camera RAW 3.xThe latest version comes with Adobe Camera RAW, a plugin developed by Thomas Knoll which can read multiple formats of digital camera RAW files and import them directly into Photoshop. The initial version of the RAW plugin for Photoshop 7.0.1 is also available with an additional cost of $ 99 USD.While Photoshop is the industry standard image editing program aimed at profsional raster charts, the price offered is quite high, approximately U.S. $ 600. This situation provoked a few programmers to design the graphics hardware (graphics tools) with a more affordable price. To compete in this market, and to counter piracy products, Adobe introduced Photoshop Elements, a version of Photoshop is more minimalist, with affordable prices; under U.S. $ 100. This product is intended for home users and eliminates many professional features.File FormatPhotoshop has the ability to read and write raster and vector image format such as. Png,. Gif,. Jpeg, and others. Photoshop also has some typical file formats:

. PSD (Photoshop Document) format stores an image in the form of layers, including text, masks, opacity, blend modes, color channels, alpha channels, clipping paths, and duotone settings. Popularity photoshop create this file format is widely used, thus forcing programmers other image editing program to add the ability to read PSD formats in their software.
. PSB 'is the latest version of the PSD designed for files larger than 2 GB
. PDD is another version of the PSD that only supports the features of the software PhotshopDeluxe.
ToolTool in Adobe Photoshop is a tool that can help users in editing. Adobe Photoshop CS3 memilikit 59 tools that can be used by the user. Tool - The tool consists of various tools with specific uses. Some of the tools - the tools available in Photoshop, among others:

• History Brush Tool
• Eraser Tool
• Path Selection Tool
• Direct Selection tool
• Pen Tool
• Shape Tool
• Brush Tool
• Audio Annotation Tool
• Eyedropper Tool
• Measure Tool
• Text Tool
• Hand Tool

Operating the camera handy cam

measures operate the camera:

   1.  Remove the lens cap
   2. Move the power switch of the camera by pressing and hold the lock button, then press
   3.  Open the LCD screen, LCD screen with the push of a button, then open to the direction of the arrow. The viewfinder automatically turns off
   4.   Press the start / stop to start recording. Press the start / stop again to stop recording

   The measures put the tape in the camera handy cam is:

   5.  Press the direction of the arrow and open the lid
   6. Insert cassette tapes with glass window position visible from the top and hit the back of the middle of the tape
    7.  After the cassette holder is automatically dropped to the bottom and press the ribbon cover

Editing Video

For this article I will share with my friends about video editing stories, what is the video editing, well from his words also caught video ediiting, yes means editing the video. The steps that I used to do in mendegit video are as follows:1. Taking videoIn video capture, many ways to do as for the ways friends can be learned by looking at other sources because here I can not elaborate on the techniques of shooting.2. video captureWhat is the capture, of the sense that I make myself are capturing is a way to transfer video data from tape to the form of data that can be received on a computer (confused huh ...?) May point to say is move data capture video from tape to the computer. The various formats of video files that are commonly used when capture is a format avi or mpeg ga. But in general, avi, this is because of the type mentahan avi files can be imported into adobe premiere to do editing. Beside that avi video file has better quality, but in pity remain very considerable size. For the type of mpeg files, not all can be imported into a video editing software. But with the type of mpeg files are generally smaller than the avi to video capturean with the same duration.3. EditingAfter the video capture, this is a core part of the video editing, the editing part, as for the software that is commonly used for video editing is Pinacle, Adobe Premiere, Ulead, Movie Maker etc.. The additional tools-tools commonly in use for additional is 3dmax, Flash, Amor (to change into another swf file video files such as avi, mov, etc.), and astro (software that generates text file type swf). Many techniques are commonly used in editing among other techniques often used is a blue screen techniques easiest ya ya if we edit the video using adobe premiere (out I've nyobanya use it) by using a blue screen then all the blue the video will be seen does not exist. There are many other possible teknik2 which I will write in this blog in a different part, this is because there are techniques that can be used only on certain software. But now that the technology is very advanced software once, then editing technique is less noticed because it has much effect fasilitas2 video which is provided directly by video editing software.4.RenderWhat is the rendering, from my own understanding can be said to unite renders frame-edited video that we have, from a variety of videos that we cut into pieces, and we join in jadiin into one video file, while the results of the video files are plain resulting from the rendering is avi and mpeg too, oh yes we are currently making a video using PAL mode, I also do not know why, but for the region's outstanding televisi2 Indonesia said the support the same video with the type of PAL. From the results of this renderan video file we can change again to DVD, VCD, RMVB and so by using converter software.
That's four main steps are commonly used in video editing. For more details about how pengcapturean, the tools used in performing pengcaputeran I will explain in the next article, as well as a variety of techniques in video editing and shooting techniques. Thank you so ...


Animation is the rapid display of a sequence of images to create an illusion of movement. The most common method of presenting animation is as a motion picture or video program, although there are other methods. This type of presentation is usually accomplished with a cameraand a projector or a computer viewing screen which can rapidly cycle through images in a sequence. Animation can be made with either hand rendered art, computer generated imagery, or three-dimensional objects, e.g. puppets or clay figures, or a combination of techniques. The position of each object in any particular image relates to the position of that object in the previous and following images so that the objects each appear to fluidly move independently of one another. The viewing device displays these images in rapid succession, usually 24, 25 or 30 frames per second.


Five images sequence from a vase found in Iran
An Egyptian burial chamber mural, approximately 4000 years old, showing wrestlers in action. Even though this may appear similar to a series of animation drawings, there was no way of viewing the images in motion. It does, however, indicate the artist's intention of depicting motion.
Early examples of attempts to capture the phenomenon of motion drawing can be found in paleolithic cave paintings, where animals are depicted with multiple legs in superimposed positions, clearly attempting to convey the perception of motion.
A 5,000 year old earthen bowl found in Iran in Shahr-i Sokhta has five images of a goat painted along the sides. This has been claimed to be an example of early animation. However, since no equipment existed to show the images in motion, such a series of images cannot be called animation in a true sense of the word.
A Chinese zoetrope-type device had been invented in 180 AD.The phenakistoscope, praxinoscope, and the common flip bookwere early popular animation devices invented during the 19th century.
These devices produced the appearance of movement from sequential drawings using technological means, but animation did not really develop much further until the advent of cinematography.
There is no single person who can be considered the "creator" of film animation, as there were several people working on projects which could be considered animation at about the same time.
Georges Méliès was a creator of special-effect films; he was generally one of the first people to use animation with his technique. He discovered a technique by accident which was to stop the camera rolling to change something in the scene, and then continue rolling the film. This idea was later known as stop-motion animation. Méliès discovered this technique accidentally when his camera broke down while shooting a bus driving by. When he had fixed the camera, a hearse happened to be passing by just as Méliès restarted rolling the film, his end result was that he had managed to make a bus transform into a hearse. This was just one of the great contributors to animation in the early years.
The earliest surviving stop-motion advertising film was an English short by Arthur Melbourne-Cooper called Matches: An Appeal(1899). Developed for the Bryant and May Matchsticks company, it involved stop-motion animation of wired-together matches writing a patriotic call to action on a blackboard.
J. Stuart Blackton was possibly the first American film-maker to use the techniques of stop-motion and hand-drawn animation. Introduced to film-making by Edison, he pioneered these concepts at the turn of the 20th century, with his first copyrighted work dated 1900. Several of his films, among them The Enchanted Drawing (1900) and Humorous Phases of Funny Faces (1906) were film versions of Blackton's "lightning artist" routine, and utilized modified versions of Méliès' early stop-motion techniques to make a series of blackboard drawings appear to move and reshape themselves. 'Humorous Phases of Funny Faces' is regularly cited as the first true animated film, and Blackton is considered the first true animator.
Fantasmagorie by Emile Cohl, 1908
Another French artist, Émile Cohl, began drawing cartoon strips and created a film in 1908 called Fantasmagorie. The film largely consisted of a stick figure moving about and encountering all manner of morphing objects, such as a wine bottle that transforms into a flower. There were also sections of live action where the animator’s hands would enter the scene. The film was created by drawing each frame on paper and then shooting each frame onto negative film, which gave the picture a blackboard look. This makesFantasmagorie the first animated film created using what came to be known as traditional (hand-drawn) animation.
The author of the first puppet-animated film (i.e. The Beautiful Lukanida (1912)) was the Russian-born (ethnically Polish) director Wladyslaw Starewicz, known as Ladislas Starevich.
Following the successes of Blackton and Cohl, many other artists began experimenting with animation. One such artist was Winsor McCay, a successful newspaper cartoonist, who created detailed animations that required a team of artists and painstaking attention for detail. Each frame was drawn on paper; which invariably required backgrounds and characters to be redrawn and animated. Among McCay's most noted films are Little Nemo (1911), Gertie the Dinosaur (1914) and The Sinking of the Lusitania (1918).
The production of animated short films, typically referred to as "cartoons", became an industry of its own during the 1910s, and cartoon shorts were produced to be shown in movie theaters. The most successful early animation producer was John Randolph Bray, who, along with animator Earl Hurd, patented the cel animation process which dominated the animation industry for the rest of the decade.
El Apóstol (Spanish: "The Apostle") was a 1917 Argentine animated film utilizing cutout animation, and the world's first animated feature film.
Computer animation has become popular since Toy Story (1995), the first animated film completely made using this technique.
In 2008, the animation market was worth US$68.4 billion.
