Saturday, September 28, 2013


karno's fella proposes suggestion to hit state basic candidate that comprise of five things which is:
Mufakat / democratizes
Social welfare
Divinity that gets culture
To five it by Karno's fellas given by pancasila's names. To five that principle dapt at mass media becomes Trisila which is:
All through first conference on 1st June 1945 membered BPUPKI goes along with to form panitai its task littles adlah keeps all ingoing suggestion and memriksa and reports kepadasidang plenary BPUPKI. Each member given by chance proposes suggestion in write slowest until with date 20th June 1945. There is committeeman even little consisting of 8 orng which is:
·       Ir. Sukarno
·       Ki nicely Hadi Kusumo
·       KH Wahid Hasyim
·       Mr. Muh Yamin
·       M. Sutardjo Kartohadi kusumo
·       Mr. A.A Maramis
·       R. Otto Iskandar dinata
·       Drs. Muh. Hatta
On the fifteenth 22nd June 1945 arranged merging meetings among little committee, with committees little with membered BPUPKI that berdomisil at Jakarta. Result that is reached for example disetujinya is formed one investigators little committee perumus's suggestions state basics, one that consisting nine person.
Little committee that beranggotakan nine that men on the fifteenth it also drawn out conferences and successful formulate preamble candidate sentences basics or be known “ Jakarta charter ”


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